Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A forbidden fruit

Swinging left and right, wondering what is the right thing to do? Give in or give all up. As they say: Good girls band at their knees, bad girls band at their waist, I'd rather enjoy than be later thrown on my knees and beg. So what's there to think about? I like it, he also does and nothing bad can come out of it. I try not to break my head over every time I am faced with this and just go and do the thing. Let's understand each other: every time I want to fuck as well, not every time I am being asked. But still.. there is a little purity angel over my head lingering and reminding me that not everything a person wants should as well do. So here I am again asking myself is he worth it? That's probably the wrong question to be asking, and instead I should try to wonder: Do I really want this...

So there it goes nothing!

I pick up the phone and dial his number:

Oohhh hello there - I hear the voice from the other end of the line and I think that is good that he knows who is on the phone without asking.

I was wondering if we could meet later this week? - I ask

Sure! Is Friday ok? Say 9 o'clock?

Nice. Where should we meet?

I'll pick you up at that building that is next to yours.

The deal is done. I know and he knows its a date that will end in sex.

So I got ready that evening, bathe, shaved, oiled, all dressed up, lace down, lace up. Mhmm it's going to be good, or at least, I hope it will be. I am standing in the dark corner of the street, as I start to see the head lights approaching. I got shivers, he is so sexy, so desirable, I adore that smile on his well shaped face of his.

He gave me a little kiss on the cheek as I have sat down in his car.

Where to? - I asked

My place - He answered

We drove over and entered his apartment, it is nice and cosy just as I remembered it from the time when I was going there with my folks on so many occasions when I was little.

So where are they? - I asked

There over at her parents. She often likes to go over there these days.

He has already planned everything -I am thinking to my self. He should have, it was expected and anticipated for so long now. Our every encounter in the past few months has been so filled with electricity, it felt like we were about to jump each other every time we have been seeing each other. I know it is wrong, I know that maybe I will regret, considering that he is at this certain age, that is so past mine, and he also is someone with whom I've being playing ball as a child. And I know that there is his wife and his children, that are almost my age, but I am feeling what I'm feeling and I can't deny that. And if it is in my favor, I am almost 100% sure that I am not going to be the first one to lay in his arms after he got married.

The drinks are on the table, the atmosphere has been set and I stare in his eyes as he leans towards me. His lips are so soft, he doesn't know me like that yet, so he is being gentle. I don't hesitate any more, so I throw my self onto him and start kissing him back passionately. I take his hand and place it on my tit, so he could understand that he can have me as he's pleased. He doesn't hesitate ether now, he's grabbing and squeezing my boobs as they are not part of a human body. My shirt is up, my skirt is down as I sit next to him with my legs spread apart. I feel his fingers on my pussy, he'll penetrate I know, and I am waiting.. not for long, I have two fingers deep inside me and they are stretching my vagina like crazy.

Easy boy!! - I say - You should be doing that with your cock, not your fingers.

Am I? Why don't you see him get all ready for that. Get down and put it in your mouth a little.

I don't wait to be told twice, considering that I love blow jobs more than anything. There is nothing more fulfilling than a hard cock struggling to penetrate as deep as it can in my faces wet slimy cavity. Pushing it hard, in and out, fucking me in my mouth, I never want him to stop. At this point I am willing just to suck it off and let him fill me in there with hot spunk! So I do it, I lick it and I suck it, and as he is trying to pull back, I stop him by grabbing his ass and pushing him back in my mouth, so he'll understand that he can go all the way, there, not anywhere else.

And he does!!! My mouth is full, it leaks down my chin, on my tits and stomach, he like's it I can tell, he is trembling like a leaf on a breeze, and I hear his moaning, as much as he is use to moan.

Was that good? - I asked

Ooh it sure was!! But how about you?

What about me?

I didn't fuck you

Oh yes you have! Haven't you noticed? - I laugh

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Deliriously wishing for some sexual activity in this time of loneliness. I was gazing in the empty wall in front of me, expecting some more active answers to my hopes, but nothing came. Sitting down in the bedroom by the Tv, with the almost silenced volume, became my routine.

I was thinking often these days, about those experiences which have passed and left tremendous mark on my sexuality as well on my personality.

Like one of my favorites, laying down ever softly on the bed and starting quietly with a lot of love, to easily become nasty and unexpected as it goes on. Do you understand me? Do you know what am I telling you? Giving up everything that you have, everything that you are, just to please him, just to please you. No boundaries of any kind!

Scary isn't it? To just open up like that, not thinking of the consequences... what might that openness turn into. What if it turns out to make the other person hate you? What if he/she becomes disgusted of you? That would not be a problem if our understanding of others and ourselves was not such a big deal. But giving it the way that it is, always questioning everything and being afraid of everyone, even ourselves, it starts to be an awful big problem. So in this part comes the lies, the cheating, telling the ones we don't know who we really are, and carefully hiding it from the ones we love.

But that is not me! I was, thankfully, made the way that I am, always honest and open to the one I love. I am also appreciative of them as well and i respect the truth that I receive, as much as the truth that I give. So in this perspective, it doesn't bother me to give up every dirty little secret about me. I will maybe regret sometime later, after the passion is down and long gone, but by than, it will be too late and even won't matter, as he will be long gone to.

So I am as I am... and I am thinking: What is there to be judged? Are the others more moral than me? Maybe they have greater values than I have? I don't really think so. We are as much as right and as much as wrong as the one next to us. If only everyone of us could try to accept the ones they love and try to accept themselves this world would have been a much better place. Is that so hard?

Friday, April 03, 2009

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

frienship or what? - sequel

Ми пријде и ме бакна. Во истиот момент се опуштив и заборавив на сите мои стравови и двоумења. Можеби ќе беше попаметно да не подлегнев на напливот на сексуална енергија која бликаше во собата, но паметот не го видов никаде. Единствено на што мислев е она што во тој момент токму таму го доживувам.

Додека се бакнував со него Милиот ми пријде од позади и почна да ме милува по задникот и бутините. Ох какво чувство на посакуваност... и двајцата ’се напрегаат’ околу мене. Во еден момент ги отворив очите и веќе и двајцата беа седнале на каучот а јас бев клекната пред нив горе. Веќе ме соблекле до половината и цицките ми беа истурени на напред, за двајцата по една во уста. Ги држам за главите додека цицаат. Нивните раце се тркалаат насекаде по моето дело. Набрзо одлета секое парче облека кое го имав на себе. Стојам гола како од мајка родена, ме гледаат, се воодушевуваат, сакаат да ме дупат. Знам дека сакаат им се гледа во очите, устите им се полуотворени, а очите полузатворени и на обајцата.

Исправете се и двајцата - им наредувам

Се исправаат.

Соблечете се - повторно наредувам

Се соблекуваат. Не дочекувам да се ослободат целосно од бариерите кои не делат од моментите на страст, клекнувам на колена и веќе пријателовиот кур го имам длабоко во грлото. Голтам кур, туѓ. Бев била навикната на Најмилиниот и чудно и возбудливо ми стана кога ја почувствував непознатата текстура на новиот. Новото е секогаш интересно, а посебно ме палеше фактот што не се еден, ами два, а и оној кого го сакам и ме сака гледа како се хранам со туѓ кур. Главата ќе ми пукне, бројам ѕвезди. Се навртувам кон едниот, го дркам другиот, па ги менувам, ги јадам, сакам да ги држам во уста и двата, сакам да не престане тоа чувство на поседување два кура.

Веќе сум толку возбудена и влажна што ми станува неподносливо пичката да ми биде празна.

Кој сака да ме ебе прв? - прашувам

Кој сакаш ти? - пријателот одговара со прашање на прашањето

Мојот Најмил, веќе ме повлекува за рацете да се потпрам на каучот и да се напучам за другиов.

Еби ја ти! - изустува

Не е доречено, но е веќе направено. Го добивам тврдото парче месо длабоко во мене. Аааахххх... ме ебе, нов, непознат, не сум навикната на овој, но ме ебе. Се набива во мене како ненаситна стока. Се нишам целата под неговиот налет. Едвај се додржувам да не паднам. Ме посакува, сака да ебе, сака да се празни во мене. Налетува мојот поглед на лицето на мојот Мил. Се топам во неговиот поглед, мило му е што уживам. Интересно? Чудно, тој сака да ме гледа како уживам со друг маж. Него не му пречи тоа што на повеќето на планетава им е незамисливо. Како е можно? Што значи тоа? Може не ме сака? Ама.. нееее.. Ме сака, како не, погледот му е бескрајно мил. Чудна е целата ситуација. Не знам како да размислувам, мислите ми летаат во милион правци. Стоп! Нема да мислам на ништо освен на дупењето!! Дојдовме да се ебеме, не да мислиме. А и онака веќе милион пати пред да се случи ова сме размислувале и дебатирале со Милиот, со часови, со денови. Сме анализирале што и како би било. Веќе е промислено сето тоа. Нема место за двоумење, посебно не кога веќе оној туѓиот е во мене, во присуство на мојата најголема љубов.